How to write a good about page

How to write a good about page

Alex Johnson
Owner, Designer & Strategist

When most people think of the about page on their website, they think it is the page that is all about them and their company. But the reality is, your about page is so much more. So, if an about page is not for bragging about your company, what should it be about? This article digs into how to write your about page so that it helps convert more visitors to clients.

The humble about page

The about page is probably one of the most ignored pages on every website. Everyone has one, no one really puts any effort in here. They use basic content, brag a ton, and generally answer no questions.

Did you know that the about page is generally the second most visited page on your entire website? It’s true. The about page is where people go to continue the trust building that they already did on the home page. They are looking for more information about your business and how you can solve their problem.

They also want to know what makes your business unique. Why should they choose you? It’s your opportunity to stand out from the competition and make a good connection with them.

So, is your about page all full of fluff and a long history lesson? Let’s change all that right now.

The basics of the about page

As I said in the intro, most people treat the about page as a place to brag about themselves. While a little bragging has its place, you can go so much farther. Let’s look at the basics of the about page and what you should have on it first.

Short Intro

A good about page should start with a short introduction. Try to keep this to a paragraph or a paragraph and a half. Think of this section as a quick information dump. Tell your visitors who you are and what you do. Keep it simple and to the point.

How you can help them

The next section of a good about page should consist of a couple of paragraphs about how you can help them. Remember, the reality is that your visitors are not interested in you. What they are interested in is finding out if you can solve their problem.

If there is a common way or term that people use to describe their problem, use that here. Make sure you do a quick overview of your services. Focus on the most common problems your services solve. Focus on the problem here, not how you solve it. We want to make sure the visitor can identify with the problem and identify your solution. You don’t need to go in-depth on how the solution works. That is what the service page is for.

About your company and employees (or yourself if a single owner)

This section is your little spot to do some bragging. Tell the prospect about your business and how it is uniquely qualified to solve the problems. What makes your solution different from anyone else? Did you have the same problem? What drives you forward?

Keep this section to only a few paragraphs. You don’t need to tell them your life story. And you certainly don’t want to drive them away with a long boring history lesson. Keep it fun, lively, and on brand.

Social Proof

Before we call the visitor to action, we need to give them some proof. The proof is especially important to every page. Without proof, all you have is a lot of hot air.

I can tell you a good story and try to sell you this perfect product that cures all problems. But you would not believe me. However, if I showed you through testimonials and other social proof that I know what I am talking about and my solution really does work, your guard might drop some.

The key here is to sprinkle some proof. Don’t dump it on them or push with huge volumes of reviews. That just makes you and your solution look scammy and brings questions to the validity of the reviews or proof.

The call to action

One of the biggest sections people miss on their about page is the call to action. When people land on your about page, they are looking for more information. If you have done a good job with the above sections, now is the time to lead them forward in the process.

The call to action normally consists of a short concluding paragraph and a short ‘Buy now’ type phrase. Action buttons should stand out against the page. A common way I work an about page is to have a primary call to action focused on the primary result you want. Then in understated text, I will add a secondary call to action, so as ‘Not sure yet? Learn more …’.

Photos or graphics

Don't forget to add photos and proof read
Don’t forget to add photos and proofread

A good about page would be incomplete without great photos or graphics. I always strongly recommend having a photo of yourself or employees. Trust comes much easier when your business seems human.

We are all drawn to one another. A faceless corporation feels uncaring and unconcerned. A personal photo helps to break that stereotype and strengthen your position. The main thing to remember here is this: be truthful. A stock photo of happy people you found online looks so fake and everyone knows it.

If you need to, go out and get a professional to take some candid and posed shots for you. Pick the best of these and use them. Shots of the outside of your office are okay if they help bring a point of your services home. But otherwise, they tend to be cold and impersonal.

The finishing touches

Another common thing that is overlooked on websites, in general, is spelling and grammar. I would hazard a guess that between 1/3 and 1/2 of all the content that we receive as ‘ready’ has basic spelling and grammar errors.

Now don’t get me wrong here. I don’t think it should be perfect either. But you need to at least put some effort forth and get the simple errors. Read over everything you write, correct confusing sections, and do a basic spell check. Use both your eyes and the computer. Read it out loud and make sure it feels right when read.

Don’t forget to get a second or even third pair of eyes to review everything as well. Ensure all the text and photos are on brand and the meaning and purpose are clear. Make sure you avoid any industry terms unless they are common knowledge to your anticipated visitors.

Hit publish

If everything checks out, then you are done. It’s time to hit that publish button to start sharing with the world. Don’t forget to share it on your most active social media channels. You never know who might see and convert from this new and improved page alone.

Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.


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