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Category: General

Avoiding overwhelm by scheduling your day

Avoiding overwhelm by scheduling your day

Time is something we will never have enough of. There will always be more things to do than we have time in a day. And as small business owners, it’s really easy to steal time from family to complete more work. This article gives you some tips to avoid being overwhelmed in your day.

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A few great books to read this year

A few great books to read this year

One of the keys to growing a successful business is to learn new things and try them in your business. Always innovating. In this article, I give you five great books that can help you get the creative juices flowing.

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Why having backups for your website is critical

Why having backups for your website is critical

Many people think of a website as a set it and forget it. Once that website is online, they forget to go in and do anything with it. But having backups is extremely important to protect your website from the unknowns that can occur. Let’s look at some of the key reasons why and how you should setup your backups.

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