Social Media is not a plan

Why social media is not a marketing plan

Alex Johnson
Owner, Designer & Strategist

Social media. Some love it. Others hate it with passion. Yet one fact remains, it gets eyeballs.

But are they the right eyeballs?

Looking at social media statistics will lead you to believe everyone is online, all day long. So, it might seem like a good idea for you to put all your eggs in that proverbial basket too.

What it really comes down to is that there are different kinds of people on social media. The people with the most free time on their hands tend to be those who don’t have jobs. Now this could totally be your audience if you are focused on stay-at-home moms with a household income of 100k.

However, it’s not an ideal audience if you are after generic eyeballs. Single posts that are not promoted tend to get seen by those who are just hanging out on social media. And it’s far more likely to be seen by those who don’t have the income to afford your product or service.

The people who are on there scrolling all day long looking for all the cute chicken and cow photos are not the same people who purchase. Not to say they can’t, but it’s far less likely than those who are searching for your product or service specifically.

If you want to get the right kind of eyeballs, you need a target audience and to intentionally reach out to them. Mainly this implies running ads on a few social media platforms. And if you are going to run ads, you need a target for the prospect to hit. This means you now need an email marketing list, a lead magnet, a website, and much more. Sure, again some people might be ready to buy now. But it’s a much smaller audience than those you can nurture and build trust with.

If you want to ensure your post is being seen by that same stay-at-home mom with a household income of 100k, you can do that with ads.

You need a real plan

So social media makes for a good part of your marketing plan, but it really shouldn’t be the entire thing.

A marketing plan is intentional. By using the word plan, you are making a commitment to do specific tasks and put in so much effort to achieve a goal.

You need a real plan
You need a real plan

Since you have little control over social media algorithms, if you consider social media your marketing plan, you really don’t have a plan at all. You are just throwing stuff out there and hoping it will make a splash in the world.

Instead of guessing, hoping, and constantly creating, I encourage you to share items of value as regular posts. These can be tips, tutorials, or even content about your business or what you are doing.

In conjunction with content social posts, I suggest running ads towards your target audience to get them in your email marketing. This allows you to take that conversation out of the social media hustle and talk to them over time.

Each part of marketing becomes a measurable goal that works towards growing your homestead business. And each part works together with the whole to keep things moving forward.

It’s all one big loop, from social media to your website. Your website gets them onto your mailing list, your mailing list builds trust, and gets them back to the website. Once back to the website, you get them to purchase, then encourage a review on social and the loop starts all over again.

Stop putting all your eggs in the social media basket and calling it a plan. Make a real plan, and the parts needed to grow your business and start seeing real success.

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